Australian Citizenship

Australian Citizenship

Becoming a citizen of Australia is the final legal step in your migration story. It is a process in which a non-Australian citizen voluntarily becomes an Australian citizen. Australian citizens pledge their loyalty to Australia and its people and are then entitled to its protection and to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens. You can become a citizen of Australia in different ways with each pathway having a distinct set of eligibility. Conferral and descent are the most common ways to apply.

Responsibilities of citizenship
  • Behave in accordance with Australian democratic beliefs
  • Respect the rights and liberties of Australia
  • Follow and obey the law
  • Vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in referenda
  • Defend Australia if necessary
  • Serve on jury duty
Citizenship entitlements
  • Apply for an Australian passport
  • Leave and re-enter Australia as many times as you want
  • Ask for help from an Australian consulate if in trouble overseas
  • Vote in federal, state or territory elections
  • Vote in a Constitutional referendum or plebiscite
  • Seek election to parliament, if you are aged 18 years or over and are not dual citizen
  • Register the birth of your children in another country as an Australian citizen
Freedoms for citizens
  • Freedom of speech and freedom of expression
  • Freedom of association
  • Freedom of religion and secular government
  • Equality in Australia
  • Equality of men and w

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