Global Talent Employer Sponsored

Global Talent Employer Sponsored

Unlike many visas to Australia, you cannot apply for a visa via the Global Talent Employer Spnsored (GTES) program directly. There is a particular process which must be followed, including obtianing a GTES agreement first, and then applying for the associated nomination and visa applicaitons.
Target Market
  • established business or start-ups seeking highly skilled employees
  • high income earning employees
  • unique / novel occupations
  • Established Business: For comapnies which are publicly listed or have an annual turnover of at least AUD4 million for each of the past 2 years
  • Startup: Operates in a technology based or STEM-related field (eg digital, biomedical, agtech), and will require an assessment by an independent startup advisory panel will who must endorse the business as a viable and genuine startup.
  • a Global Talent Employer Sponsored (GTES) agreement should be made with the Department
  • once obtained, you can apply for a Sublcass 482 nomination and visa subject to the approved GTES agreement
Sponsor Eligibility (Established Businesses)

Broadly speaking, an Established Buinsess must:

  • Demonstrate that access to the GTES will support job opportunities and skills transfer for Australians
  • Provide labour market testing evidence for the specific positions as part of requesting a GTES agreement
  • Must be in good standing with relevant regulatory agencies, including compliance with immigration and workplace laws
  • Must be publicly listed or have an annual turnover of at least AUD4 million for each of the past 2 years
  • Be endorsed as a TSS accredited sponsor
Visa eligibility

Broadly speaking, the applicant and position must:

  • Meet health, character and security requirements
  • Have no familial relationship with directors or shareholders
  • Have qualifications must be commensurate with the highly skilled role
  • Have at least 3 years work experience directly relevant to the position
  • Have the capacity to pass on skills or develop Australians
  • Be offered minimum annual earnings equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold

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